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InläggPostat: 2013-12-26 14.37
av fredblomson
I am a paying member with a passion for DDDN and equality ! I want to be part of the decision as much as the party promoters ! I believe that all members should be involved in determining and should participate ALL the info!
--- Will this letter be published in the party's web page ?
--- Are published all the letters to the party?
--- Who has written the party program ?
--- Have the members participated in the voting on the different elements of the party program ?
--- Example: Was the members asked about the idea concerning the delegates ( to have delegates ) ?
--- What 's the difference between a delegate and a member of parliament?
--- Who is the president of the parti’s board?
--- What looks like the parti's finances?
--- When how and for how long elected Thomas and Peter to the party's spokespersons ?
m m.frågor
Is not it better to publish all such information so that people do not have to wonder ?
Fred Blomson 1937 , practical philosopher , fred.blomson @ ,
A collective social equal society, or a private market pyramidal society ?
That is THE question !


InläggPostat: 2013-12-26 14.55
av jonas

Varför skriver du det här på engelska?

fredblomson skrev:I am a paying member with a passion for DDDN and equality ! I want to be part of the decision as much as the party promoters ! I believe that all members should be involved in determining and should participate ALL the info!
--- Will this letter be published in the party's web page ?

Du har just postat det i forumet, så ja...

fredblomson skrev:--- Are published all the letters to the party?

Många som skriver vill inte att deras brev publiceras. Många vill inte ens att innehållet i forumet publiceras. Vi kan tyvärr inte ge transparens när inte alla parter medgivit detta. Dock så har jag valt att publicera just vilka som tar emot brev skickade till vår primära kontakt-adress. Förtroendeposter listas på

fredblomson skrev:--- Who has written the party program ?

Det vill jag också veta. Det är dock en kollektiv process eftersom alla har rätt att föreslå ändringar i det. Stora delar är dock från början skrivna av Robert Wensman.
Se .

fredblomson skrev:--- Have the members participated in the voting on the different elements of the party program ?

Ja. Senaste större omröstningen skedde här: .

fredblomson skrev:--- Example: Was the members asked about the idea concerning the delegates ( to have delegates ) ?

Ja. Se även här för diskussion om delegater: .

fredblomson skrev:--- What 's the difference between a delegate and a member of parliament?

Se vår ordlista om
och delegater .

fredblomson skrev:--- Who is the president of the parti’s board?

Se listan på förtroendeposter: .

fredblomson skrev:--- What looks like the parti's finances?

Finanserna är i huvudsak publika och kontrolelras även av revisorerna varje år.
Se .

fredblomson skrev:--- When how and for how long elected Thomas and Peter to the party's spokespersons ?
m m.frågor

De flesta poster är utsedda med kontinuerliga omröstningar. Du kan alltså när som helst ändra din röst, som i sin tur kan leda till att en ny person tillsätts. Här är omröstningen om nationella talespersoner: .

fredblomson skrev:Is not it better to publish all such information so that people do not have to wonder ?

Som du ser så liggerer svaren på ALLA frågor på webben.


InläggPostat: 2013-12-26 20.21
av fredblomson
I think that a direct democratic organization has to be grounded on common sense, on real democracy and on equality! On similar way all the organisms of the nature consist of the same (equal) DNA, the members of a direct democratic organism must participate the party organism with equivalency, with the same rights and the same conditions! A party board for instance is an organism inside the organism! A delegate/riksdagsman is a kind of cancer that can grow big and destroy the original direct democratic organism (Hitler)!
The direct democratic organism in order to function perfectly has to consist of equal board presidents and to control equivalent the organization!
Dear friends potentates inside the party! Is there any who agree with it?
The day I, and every common paying member with common sense, will feel to control the party as a party board president do, will be able to give his vote by all his heart to the party/förening and to ask many others to do the same!
Fred Blomson 1937 , practical philosopher , fred.blomson @ ,
A collective social equal society, or a private market pyramidal society ?
That is THE question!


InläggPostat: 2013-12-26 21.35
av lotte.johansson
Eftersom detta är Aktiv Demokratis forum kanske du kan ställa frågor /komma med förslag på svenska i de forum trådar de hör hemma i, alternativt skapa en ny tråd. Titta gärna så att inte det redan börjat en tråd i det ämne du tar upp. Här är forum reglerna, dom gäller om jag uppfattat det korrekt till något annat ev. röstas fram:

Mvh medlem


InläggPostat: 2013-12-27 11.35
av fredblomson
To me appears the AD-system too large and too complicated! It has to be as simple as possible!
It is not yet time for the question about delegation! It is better to wait until we are many hundreds and between them many new initiative takers!
It is better if the board members are not dominating the party, they can disappear from the stage and can hide in the coulisses to leave place for new initiative takers! If possible as many different as possible should participate the dialogues! That fact has to become a partial goal!
Every new member must feel like a governor! She/he must feel to control everything in the party! All the fact must be extremely easy to find and must be very transparent!

Titel: Direktdemokratisk parti. Citat: “Direktdemokrati kan införas gradvis. Och det kan genomföras utan behov av majoriteten”.

I will be very thankful if some AD-member would explain to me why I would vote the white AD when my ideology is either red-green or blue? My ideal future society is either red-green or blue…!!! The white AD has no party program as they have! AD has no plans for the future! May be AD promises the DD chaos? The AD website looks chaotic already now!
The common sense says that the white AD party board will dominate the politic as they dominate the AD website already now!
The common sense says to forget the party idea and to start a colorless DDDN-JÄMLIKHETSFÖRENING / DDDN-JÄMLIKHETSRÖRELSE BASED ON THE UNIVERSAL UNO DECLARATION without leaders, to reach a large majority and to abolish the whole representative system! AD and Sweden can become a model for EU and for the world!
Hereby I declare that I am the new AD board president and I declare all the party members to be equal AD board presidents. If the majority doesn’t agree with it, I leave the party and I am afraid AD will flop!
DDDN = EQUALITY Please! Recognize it !
Fred Blomson 1937 , practical philosopher , fred.blomson @ ,
A collective social equal society, or a private market pyramidal society ?
That is THE question!


InläggPostat: 2014-01-28 23.02
av fredblomson
My friend !
I ask you : Are the red-greens Democrats ?
I ask you : Are the red-greens socialists ?
The next election is already lost ! The red-green parties in the world over the years collapses ! The only "positive" thing about being an eternal opposition, or to cooperate with capitalists , is to give work to a handful of red-green politicians, traitors should be ashamed !
That there has not been direct democratic socialism is not evidence that direct democratic socialism is not possible ! On the contrary, today digital democracy is indispensable for socialism and for governance at all !
It is illusion and foolish to promise socialistic welfare in a world governed by the private small - ownership and large - ownership and the market economy system! My friend wake up! Cancel representation and capitalism ! Socialism is impossible without direct democracy ! BASIC LAWS ( i.e. ALL we citizens jointly) shall govern the society and no leaders! Socialism is direct democracy and not party dictatorship !
Do not be silly ! Listen to your common sense and your conscience! Do not give away your power to politicians ! Support the direct democratic equality movement, means that we ALL citizens can unite to create equality laws by referendum !

Min vän!
Jag frågar dig: Är de rödgröna demokrater?
Jag frågar dig: Är de rödgröna socialister?
Nästa val är redan förlorat! De rödgröna partierna i världen genom åren rasar! Det enda ”positiva” med att vara en evig opposition eller att samarbeta med kapitalisterna, är att ge arbete till en handfull rödgröna politiker, förrädare borde skämmas!
Att det inte har funnits direktdemokratisk socialism är inte bevis att direktdemokratisk socialism inte är möjlig! Tvärtom idag digital demokrati är oumbärlig för socialismen och för samhällsstyrningen överhuvudtaget!
Det är illusion och att luras att lova socialistisk välfärd i en värld som styrs av det privata små-ägandet och stor-ägandet och den marknadsekonomiska ekonomin! Min vän vakna! Avskaffa representationen och kapitalismen! Socialism är omöjlig utan direktdemokrati! GRUNDLAGAR (d.v.s. ALLA medborgare gemensamt) skall styra samhället och inga ledare! Socialism är direktdemokrati och inte partidiktatur!
Var inte dum! Lyssna på ditt sunda förnuft och på ditt samvete! Ge inte bort din makt till politiker! Stödja den direktdemokratiska jämlikhetsrörelsen, hjälp till att vi ALLA medborgare kan enas för att skapa jämlikhetslagar med folkomröstning!

Please vote for me.:.! and for you! (ordinary citizens!) and on direct democracy! Stay home or vote blank! Please be honest, consider and comment on this proposal!
Fred Blomson 1937, practical philosopher, fred.blomson @
UNO, United Nomocrats Organization! Forget nations!
Digital Direct Democratic Nomocracy = EQUALITY, Please recognize it !,, please like
A collective social equal society, or a private market pyramidal society?
That is THE question! Please comment!
Are we going to allow the Chinese dictatorship to own the whole planet?