Vad säger ni om att jag skickar följande e-mail till OneAim (förslag & korrektioner mottages tacksamt):
welcome@oneaim.orgSubject: Aktiv Demokrati, direct democracy political party in Sweden
my name is Gil Roitto and I am writing on the behalf of a small political party in Sweden called Aktiv Demokrati [LÄNK] (Active Democracy). Our only political agenda is that we wish to have a direct democratic political rule in Sweden. In more detail, Aktiv Demokrati also believe in great personal freedom when it comes to the level of engagement, with the ability to choose representatives (e.g. a political party) which disposes ones vote whenever a person does not want vote for himself/herself. But of course a person can change his/her representative whenever he/she wishes and distribute his/her vote to several representatives, e.g. divided by field or domain. (Read the english FAQ [LÄNK] if you wish to learn more)
I had planned to attend the seminar / workshop [LÄNK] which OneAim held in Malmö, Sweden, to learn about OneAim and to initiate a contact with you. However I was hindered, so I'll try to contact you via mail instead.
I was very excited to hear about the OneAim initiative. I read all I could on your homepage and was convinced Aktiv Demokrati would be interested to be involved or stay in contact with OneAim. However I am not certain I have understood everything correctly and what types of contact or collaboration would be most beneficial. So I have a few questions:
1. What types of collaborations with other groups are you interested in?
2. Aktiv Demokrati as a party does not hold any opinion except about the idea of increased democracy. This means that people with extreme ideas might be members of our party. However, we believe that with an open dialog these extreme opinions will be challanged and thereby not be able to flourish and that the level of extreme opinions will decrease in a society with a direct democratic system. Is this something which causes hesitation for OneAim to have any type of collaboration with Aktiv Demokrati?
3. Does OneAim have any specific political agenda or definitive opinions which associates with OneAim should or must agree on?
I sincerely hope this contact leads to a good result.
Gil Roitto
gil.roitto@gmail.comAktiv Demokrati