
How to join the open International forum section

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How to join the open International forum section

Inläggav Magnus Gustavsson » 2007-10-15 09.00

Please join the open International forum section!


Please read the following before using our forums!

Everyone have reading rights in all forums and decisions since the transparency is crucial to Aktivdemokrati.

To also take part and be able to post in these two open forums; viewforum.php?f=92
, You have to register:
You can choose only to fill in the fields asked during registration and register by your self.
The adminstrator will then activate your new account ASAP and give access to the group : Unregistered debaters.

If you want to use your power, and if you are a Swedish citizen by law, and of age 18 or older, you can also become a become a full party member with full voting rights for all votes and full writing access in all forum parts of AD.
Just send a mail to:
kon takt @ aktiv demo krati dot se
, with your details,
Last name*:
Social security number (personnummer)*:
Street adress*:
Postal adress*:


The admin will then activate your account and put you in the group party members, for full access to everything.

Even if administrators och moderators on this forum try to remove or change all material, that is not according to law and rules, as quickley as possible, it is impossible to go through all messages. We therefore inform you that all text written on this forum express the writers opinion and that the administrators or the moderators do not take responsibility for things that you or anyone else write.

The things you write you are responsible for. Other peoples faulty expressions do not entitle you to faulty expressions and gives no advantages in the moderation. You will have access to the English section.

The IP-adress of every message is saved to be able to track faulty use of our forum. You agree that webmasters, administrators and moderators have the right to remove, change or close any texts what so ever, at any time according to the party rules.

As a user you agree that any information that you have written is saved in the database. That information will not be distributed to any third party without you agreeing on this. The webmaster, administrators or the moderators can not be held responsible for any attempt that may lead to stolen data.

This forum use cookies to save information on your computer. Theese cookies are only used to make our forum more userfriendly.

Your e-mailadress is used to activate your registration and to send you a new password if you forget it and also for other members to be able to contact you in party matters.

By copying and pasting this text into an e-mail and filling in the missing information and sending it to
, I hereby accept the above stated.

Tänk inte 4%, det är det de etablerade partierna vill få dig att göra.
Tänk på framtiden och vad Du vill att Sverige skall vara.

Magnus Gustavsson
Medlem i partiet
Inlägg: 3111
Registrerad: 2006-01-18 00.54
Ort: Hindås

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