I have started a tread in their forum presenting the democratic version of ... =10#245964
Liquid democracy is also called Representative direct democracy or delegated voting.
Liquid democracy is a form that will work perfectly for an RBE, both now, in transition and in the future. It will allow for trusted delegation to both experts, stake holders as well as computer program algorithms. And it will safeguard against corruption and power abuse, since it eliminates the ability of decision mediators to leverage their power for their own benefit.
Liquid democracy works well with technology for gathering, analyzing and presenting knowledge, science and possibilities. It will collaboratively improve the tools for arriving at decisions.
There is a way for implementing liquid democracy from the grass roots, by introducing it as a strictly neutral political party, that will only serve as a way of using this system inside existing political systems. Every single vote would be decided by the liquid democracy system that would be open for the general public to use. This will of course be more feasible in countries other than the USA their a political party can get influence at a national level with less than 5% of the total votes. Look up E2D-International for the future of politics.
joasi skrev:Bra skrivet. Men personligen är jag starkt emot att låta datorer bestämma över oss. Tror inget gott kan komma ur det i längden, inte för människor i alla fall och jag tror vi bör tillåta oss att vara lite homocentriska i den frågan. Jag tänker inte rösta på en dator förrän den kan övertyga mig om att den är minst lika medveten som mig, och förmodligen inte ens då.
Någon mer som är emot att tillåta datoralgoritmer att verka som delegater?
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