Jacque Fresco i en uppdelad 2 timmars intervju
Postat: 2010-02-16 10.36
Partiet för kontinuerlig direktdemokrati
Hello Heather and Jacque!
I first want to thank you for an inspiring interview on the youtube. It was great. Also the interviewer touched you weak spots which of course is is job.
Now. We might make your weak spots stronger.
You see, I am part of a movement that might have the solution for the democratic solutions that will move the society in direction towards the Venus project.
We call our movement "Aktiv Demokrati", which means, as I guess you can Imagine, "active democracy".
This "active democracy"-project will make it possible for people to participate in democracy. I personally believe that this system will make people more aware about what is going on and to delegate power into more intelligent hands for our further development, not as today, delegated into the hands of the few economists who managed to grab most mainstream media coverage, but more into the hands of the scientists.
We, members of Aktiv Demokrati, are composed by many able Swedish engineers believing that a more flexible democracy will lead us in a better direction. We have the idea to design flexible and safe digital voting over the Internet and/or through ATM-solutions, which I believe will fit right into the Venus-project.
More details and FAQ here: http://aktivdemokrati.se
Please ask us difficult questions because we believe that we always can do better.
Best regards
Member of Aktiv Demokrati
If you don't vote for direct democracy you deserve the politicians you get. http://www.aktivdemokrati.se