An Electronic Direct Democracy (EDD) Manifesto

This an excerpt from a letter from jf.frenette at , the Online Party of Canada:
A draft of the manifesto is availible at google docs:
Jean-François Frenette skrev:
Now, I believe that is exactly what we need: an informal international treaty or manifesto which would connect all electronic direct democracy (EDD) or online parties around the world. We collaborate together on writing up a set of basic principles for organizing an EDD party which each organization can "sign" with their logo.
I started a document this morning based elaborating on major points: 1) right to vote, 2) voter anonymity, 3) political neutrality, at the onset, 4) right to propose law, 5) representatives accountability, 6) voting by proxy (delegates -- liquid democracy) and - the most controversial but in my opinion most crucial - 7) other official party members voting. I can explain later.
A draft of the manifesto is availible at google docs: