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Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-01-13 16.54
av Mikko Laajola
I contacted Jonas Liljegren first and then had a short dialogue in email with Robert Wensman late last year, concerning the use of Aktivdemokratipartiet- concept in Finland.
I am very pleased with the concept and the work you have done on the subject so far. Therefore, paying respect towards your work, I'd like to have the possibility to use the name "active democracy party" in Finland, and also have your texts and the beta-system as a base to develop new politics in Finland. This would be very helpful concerning parliamentary elections coming this spring.
After looking into the process of starting a party, and trying to find shortcuts,
I found out we don't have the sufficient time to create the party before the elections. However, we could start the process, and hopefully, if representatives get elected, 'lift' the party to the parliament afterwards.
I personally am working to get elected with the principles of active democracy party, and doing my best to start a new era in finnish politics. I hope we can start a fruitful co-operation, developing the system and creating tools for people to participate in the society in more meaningful ways.
Mikko Laajola
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-11 15.26
av jonas
Mikko Laajola participaded in our meeting at
The question is: Do we support that Mikko Laajola starts "Aktiv Demokrati" in Finland, using the name, the logotype, computer programs, texts and everything else we have done?
Do we want to suggest restrictions for this use?
What license do we want for the texts we have? What should be the license for the manifesto and all the other blog posts?
Specificly; is it acceptable to publish the texts under one of the Creative Commons licenses? (the voting system fiddur created) is using the same license as Perl.
(We have been late in responding to Mikko. He has repeatedly tried to get a response for several months now.)
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-12 13.02
av Roger
I support Mikko to use our material for Aktiv Demokrati in Finland.
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-12 14.38
av gilroitto
I support Mikko, and there is no possibility to anforce any control. We give them aid but cannot take responsibility if the party develops into a lunacy club, but the chances are small and therefor we eill probably only gain on letting them use the logo, the concept and any software that anyone care to give time to explain and transfer to them.
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-12 22.31
av joasi
I support allowing Mikko to use our material for setting up a similar party in Finland
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-20 17.39
av jonas
(Edit: The Mikko is not connected to Change 2011. Sorry for the mixup.)The current party of Mikko is called "Change
2011" and is not poltitically neutral. I wouldn't like to see Aktiv Demokrati used in a party that doesn't follow the EDD manifesto: party website includes statements on a lot ot things besides direct democracy:
* Funds collected by means of taxes are to be used for the wellbeing of citizens. In case of excess, it can be used for the benefit of other countries and their citizens.
* Other important targets are medical care, day-care opportunities for children and homeless people.
* Immigration in general must be economically profitable for the country.
* Being too lenient, convictions handed out by courts on violent crimes against persons, their life and health do not correspond the legal opinion of majority of citizens.
I do not support using AD name and logo for a party that do not follow the EDD manifesto:
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-20 18.56
av jonas
I would like to propse that we start a new vote that includes that the Finlad party must subscribe to and follow the EDD manifesto.
The new proposition would be:
Partiet ger härmed Mikko Laajola från Finland rätt att använda partiets namn, logotyp och material i syfte att starta ett systerparti i Finland, under förutsättning att partiet till fullo följer EDD manifesto i nuvarande och framtida versioner, så som beskrivet på
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-20 19.07
av Magnus Gustavsson
I also dont support non-politic organizations using ADs name.
Im sorry, but the rules in Participedia seems very straight forward, and should be possible to follow.
Can Mikko change in order to achieve this, I would be delighted to change my vote!
Its very encouraging that we soon might have sisterparties in other countries.
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-21 00.05
av jonas
New proposal:
Aktiv Demokrati stödjer att partier bildas i andra länder med liknande namn, logotyp, koncept, osv, under förutsättning att partiet skriver på och följer EDD manifesto, we vote on this, in order to get an answer to Mikko Laajola?
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-21 00.33
av gilroitto
Or just send the information about the new debate to him directly.
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-21 00.40
av jonas
gilroitto skrev:Or just send the information about the new debate to him directly.
Or both. I notified Mikko about this thread now.
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-21 12.27
av Mikko Laajola
I have nothing to do with the Muutos2011 party, as someone suggested. They are working on a "swiss model" direct democracy, and they also have other agendas.
My initiative has always been politically neutral, I want to create and support initiatives that increase participatory democratic processes for the people. The party I am working on will follow the EDD manifesto, and it will be quite similar to the organisation you have. Hence the same name- I want this to be a movement from passive hierarchical representative towards active, participatory democracy.
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-21 12.45
av Mikko Laajola
I also would like to know, how I was attached to the muutos2011-party, because I have absolutely no ties to the organisation. I personally am politically quite the opposite. It would be very important information for me, because I have no idea where this kind of information could be gathered.
So, the main concept still stays the same:
- I want to start Active Democacy party in Finland following the EDD manifesto
- I want to start building a network of Active democracyparties, that can collaborate on the subject
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-21 12.57
av jonas
Mikko Laajola skrev:I also would like to know, how I was attached to the muutos2011-party, because I have absolutely no ties to the organisation. I personally am politically quite the opposite. It would be very important information for me, because I have no idea where this kind of information could be gathered.
Oh sorry. I was contacted by Mikael Korkman from Muutos
2011. I got you mixed up since you are both from Finland. I'm sorry for the mixup.
Either way, I would like to attatch the cooperation to a base like the EDD manifesto.
Mikko Laajola skrev:So, the main concept still stays the same:
- I want to start Active Democacy party in Finland following the EDD manifesto
- I want to start building a network of Active democracyparties, that can collaborate on the subject
I support that.
Re: Starting Active Democracy party in Finland

2011-02-28 01.17
av jonas
The result from the vote: Yes from Swedish:
Aktiv Demokrati is giving Mikko Laajola from Finland the right until further notice to use the party name, logo and material with the intent to start a sister party in Finland.